Best rim widths for wide road tyres

New Schwalbe Pro Ones 30 & 34 inflated

With the current trend towards wider road tyres (and rims), Schwalbe have expanded the Pro One tubeless range to include 30mm and 34mm tyres. Since we just received our first deliveries of these monster road tyres we thought we had better try inflating some to see how they measure up in real life. We chose 3 of our carbon wheelsets most suitable for this type of riding with internal rim widths between 21mm and 25mm to look at.

The wheels used were from our Gecko, Mahi Mahi and Monitor ranges with widths of 21mm, 22mm and 25mm respectively. Tyres were inflated to 60psi.

measuring the width of an inflated tyre
measuring the width of an inflated tyre

Pro One 30mm tyre inflated

As you can see, the 30mm tyre comes up wider than 30mm on all 3 rims, with the Monitor showing an increase of 1.2mm over the Gecko.

In terms of tyre profile, the 30mm tyre looks to be compatible with all of these rims. On the Gecko and Mahi Mahi it forms a nice rounded shape without pinching in too much at the bottom. The 25mm Monitor stretches the tyre out a bit more resulting in a flatter top which can affect handling, but it should be OK.

Schwalbe Pro One 30mm tyre on Gecko carbon rim
Schwlabe Pro One 30mm tyre on Mahi Mahi carbon wheel
Schwalbe Pro One 30mm tyre on Monitor carbon rim

Schwalbe Pro One 30mm TLE tyre measurements on….

rim rim width inflated tyre width
Gecko 21mm 30.8mm
Mahi Mahi 22mm 31.5mm
Monitor 26mm 33.0mm

Pro One 34mm tyre inflated

On the 21mm Gecko, the 34mm tyre is a bit lightbulb-shaped and bulging over the rim. On the wider rims the tyre profile is good, so we would recommend a 22mm – 25mm rim width for the 34mm tyre.

Schwalbe Pro One 34mm tyre on Gecko carbon wheel
Schwalbe Pro One 34mm tyre on Mahi Mahi rim
Schwalbe Pro One 34mm tyre inflated on a Monitor carbon rim

Schwalbe Pro One 34mm TLE tyre measurements on….

rim rim width inflated tyre width
Gecko 21mm 33.6mm
Mahi Mahi 22mm 34.3mm
Monitor 26mm 35.0mm
measuring a tyre carcass
measuring a tyre carcass

tyres overview

Schwalbe Pro One TLE 30mm tyre
weight: 317g
width measured across carcass: 72mm
recommended rim widths: 19-24mm

Schwalbe Pro One TLE 34mm tyre
weight: 354g
width measured across carcass: 85mm
recommended rim widths: 22-25mm

These and many other tyres are available as an option when you buy our wheels, with free fitting. All the tyres we offer are on our tyre listing page.

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